Sunday, April 18, 2021

Blog #8: EOTO Presentations Review



I found the EOTO group presentation project very informative and fun. I enjoyed my topic, Twitter, and found out many things I did not know from my group partners as well as from other groups. 

From the first group, I learned that Google bought Youtube for $1.6B. This was interesting to find out because I did not know that Google and Youtube had a partnership or that Google was willing to put that much money into it. There is always the risk of one company buying from another one and having it not be as successful as they hoped for. Luckily, Youtube continues to stay thriving and Google is probably making a good profit. I use Youtube often, but I did not know that their subscription costs $64.99 a month. That price seems extremely high for a streaming subscription as most are in the $10-$15 a month range. I really enjoyed learning about Youtube from the first group and also was informed that the highest-paid Youtuber makes around $24 million dollars a year and is only eight years old. The fact that the job of a Youtuber is one of the most sought out jobs in the world does not surprise me - it looks very fun to create content on Youtube, and big Youtubers have major success. Who would want to stress about school, just to get a desk job when you can make money creating content for others, anyway? 

I learned from the second group that the printing press was invented in 1450. I was surprised at this because it seems like inventions like the printing press usually are not made until the 1800s. I also learned that the World Wide Web was not invented until 1989. I never really thought about when it was first invented, but I would not have expected it to be that recent. 1989 was only 32 years ago, and at first, it had no buttons or pictures. When we look at how much it has expanded since then it is almost mind-blowing. I learned a lot about video streaming from the last group. I am not really invested in gaming or streamers, but it is a whole side of the internet that has a wide fanbase and attracts many. 

It was especially interesting for me to learn about many of these topics that I was not familiar with, and I thoroughly enjoyed finding out new things. Learning about the invention of technology is always fascinating because many of these technologies did not come out that long ago, and now most people cannot imagine living their lives without them.

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